What are the limitations of ChatGPT Open AI for seeking high quality health and medical information? Let’s ask ChatGPT Open AI. The generated response were created by asking the program to “Write a blog about the limitations of ChatGPT”.



As technology continues to advance, artificial intelligence (AI) language models like ChatGPT have garnered considerable attention for their impressive ability to generate human-like responses. These models, such as GPT-3.5, are trained on vast amounts of data and can provide valuable information and engage in conversations on a wide range of topics. However, it’s important to recognize that despite their capabilities, AI language models like ChatGPT have certain limitations that must be acknowledged. In this blog post, we will delve into the boundaries and constraints of ChatGPT to foster a better understanding of its capabilities and areas where caution is warranted.

Lack of Contextual Understanding:

While ChatGPT can generate coherent and contextually relevant responses, it lacks a deep understanding of the content it processes. It relies on patterns and associations in the training data rather than true comprehension. This limitation can lead to occasional errors, inaccuracies, or misunderstandings, especially when dealing with complex or nuanced topics that require a deeper understanding of context.

Sensitivity to Input Phrasing:

ChatGPT is highly sensitive to the phrasing and wording of input queries. Even slight changes in the way a question or prompt is framed can yield different responses. This sensitivity can sometimes result in inconsistent or unexpected replies. Users need to carefully consider how they phrase their questions to obtain accurate and desired responses.

Propensity for Biased or Inappropriate Responses:

AI language models learn from the data they are trained on, which can introduce biases present in the training data. ChatGPT may inadvertently generate responses that reflect societal biases, stereotypes, or offensive content. Despite efforts to mitigate biases during training, biases can persist in the outputs. Users should be cautious and critically evaluate the responses to ensure they align with ethical and inclusive standards.

Limited Knowledge and Outdated Information:

The training data for ChatGPT only extends up until September 2021, meaning it lacks awareness of recent events and developments. Consequently, it may provide outdated information or fail to address current topics adequately. Users should verify information from up-to-date and reliable sources before relying solely on ChatGPT for factual accuracy.

Inability to Provide Professional or Personalized Advice:

ChatGPT should not be seen as a substitute for professional advice or personalized assistance. While it can offer general information, it does not possess expertise in specific domains. Users should consult qualified professionals for specialized guidance or critical matters that require expertise beyond the capabilities of AI language models.


ChatGPT and similar AI language models have demonstrated impressive language generation abilities, opening doors to numerous applications and interactions. However, it is crucial to recognize their limitations to avoid undue reliance and potential pitfalls. Understanding the boundaries of ChatGPT, such as its lack of contextual understanding, sensitivity to phrasing, biases, limited knowledge, and inability to provide personalized advice, enables users to engage with AI language models responsibly and critically. By embracing AI technology mindfully, we can leverage its strengths while acknowledging its limitations to foster a more informed and balanced relationship with these powerful tools.”

Another personal note from ChatGPT Open AI.

“As an AI language model, my responses are generated based on a mixture of licensed data, data created by human trainers, and publicly available data. I have been trained on a wide range of sources, such as books, websites, and other texts, to develop a broad understanding of human language. It’s important to note that while I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, my responses may not always reflect the most current news events or developments. The information I provide should not be considered as financial, legal, or professional advice. If you have specific concerns that require professional assistance, it’s always best to consult with a qualified expert.” Medical knowledge and research are constantly evolving, so it’s a good practice to stay updated with the latest information from trusted sources such as medical journals, reputable healthcare websites, and consultations with healthcare professionals who have access to the most recent research and studies.”


Ok, we found some limitations. What about some solutions. ChatGPT generated some potential solutions to its limitation as copied below when prompted to “Write a blog about how to improve the limitations of ChatGPT, especially around health information”


Recognizing the Limitations:

ChatGPT is an impressive AI language model, but it lacks real-time data updates. Its training is based on information available until September 2021, and medical knowledge is constantly evolving. Therefore, it may not provide the most up-to-date or contextually relevant information, especially regarding recent research, treatment guidelines, or emerging conditions.

Collaboration with Medical Experts:

To enhance the accuracy of health information provided by ChatGPT, collaboration with medical professionals is crucial. By integrating domain experts into the training and validation process, ChatGPT can benefit from their knowledge, ensuring a more comprehensive and reliable response to health-related queries. Additionally, medical professionals can review and update ChatGPT’s knowledge base periodically, keeping it aligned with current medical advancements.

Disclosing AI Assistance:

Transparency is key to managing expectations and promoting responsible use of ChatGPT. OpenAI can clearly communicate that ChatGPT should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Users should be informed that it is always advisable to consult healthcare providers for accurate and personalized health information.

Providing Sources and References:

To foster trust and accountability, ChatGPT can be programmed to provide sources and references for the health information it provides. By offering links to reputable medical websites, scholarly articles, or clinical guidelines, users can verify the information independently. This practice also encourages critical thinking and empowers users to make informed decisions about their health.

Recognizing Individual Context:

Health information is highly personal, and individual circumstances can significantly impact its applicability. ChatGPT should be programmed to recognize and acknowledge the importance of individual context when providing health-related responses. This includes understanding factors like age, gender, pre-existing conditions, and medication interactions, to offer more tailored and accurate information.

Incorporating User Feedback:

User feedback plays a crucial role in refining AI systems like ChatGPT. OpenAI can actively encourage users to provide feedback on health-related responses to identify areas of improvement. By leveraging this feedback loop, OpenAI can continuously train and update ChatGPT, ensuring that it addresses the specific needs and concerns of its users.


If an individual or healthcare professional is oblivious to the limitations of ChatGPT Open AI, they could trust its generated answers erroneously. Unfortunately, ChatGPT Open AI is another source of health information to interpret critically. Decades worth of closed-access research that when combined with open access research would create the best response to a question is not yet available. This was evident when outdated responses were given when asking about pain science, injury prevention, osteoarthritis, stretching, posture, and exercise technique. Remain critical of ChatGPT’s responses and make sure you question external health sources that might be generated by ChatGPT.

Written (partially) by Tom Murphey, DPT.

“Unfortunately for our community, scientific scaremongering is common, easy to believe and hard to heal. Research is often messy, and strong stances or beliefs can be both erroneous and dishonest. I aim to produce honest reviews of some high-quality research to provide informed insight so you can make up your own mind on the science you value.”

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